Ayurveda offers enhanced natural ways to maintain & regain health in a woman.
Dr Hridya brings you women-centric Ayurveda solutions, not only to fight diseases, rather to enhance health & immunity.
BAMS, MS(Ayu-Prasooti thantra and streeroga)
DHA Licensed Ayurveda Practitioner
Infertility (unable to conceive) is a major problem world wide. 50% of infertility problems are due to female factors and some from unknown causes, besides male factor induced infertility. Ayurveda is a well known sought after treatment for infertility problems which is safe, economic and true patient friendly. Pregnancy care is another area where, Ayurveda has shown its supremacy from time immemorial. Pregnancy care consists of caring the pregnant woman, managing her physical, psychological as well as emotional illness, help her to enjoy the growth of her most valued gift in her womb. Early Ayurveda treatments help to reduce pregnancy related complications in both mother and child.
Dr Petra Thorn PhD, Fertility counselor, Germany says that even in developed countries , women are having emotional issues due to infertility. Even in cases where the basic cause is male related factor, the emotional burden is on females.Ayurveda offers natural and effective treatments for female factor infertility like, PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, reduced AMH, hypothyroidism etc;Dr Hridya’s women centric Ayurvedic solutions offer a comprehensive treatment for infertility inclusive of internal medications, Panchakarma and gynecological procedures like Utharavasthi ( intrauterine infusion of medicines), pichu dharana, kshalanam (medical vaginal douche) etc; Ayurveda has proven that more success in fertility is achieved by doing treatments considering the emotional and psychological factors of the affected individuals.
Male factor plays an important role in fertility. In conventional medicine, causes like oligospermia and in asthenospermia, they go for ART (IVF/ICSI) procedures and the female partner has to undergo the burden of treatment. But in Ayurveda we have specific treatments for oligospermia, asthenospermia, varicocele, obesity, hypothyroidism and other co-morbidities. We have specialized treatments like special internal medicines, panchakarma,sthanika ksheera Dhaka (medicated testicular external treatment) and other procedures based on the prakruthi and dhathu dushti of the patient.
Post natal care is not simply buying & consuming over the counter Ayurvedic medications, or consuming weight gaining foods and getting some massages done by unqualified persons. A wrong way of doing post natal care will end up in both short term as well as long term complications.Original Ayurveda post natal care varies depends on the geographical area, climate, hereditary & genetics and prakruthi of the woman. It starts from the correction of Agni (digestive fire), followed by gradual introduction of strengthening and rejuvenating medications & procedures.In modern era, we are considering the mode of delivery, parity, pregnancy compliations, built and nourishment of woman, status of lactation etc; to design the treatment for a post natal woman.
Modern life style and environmental factors play a negative role in normal continuation of pregnancy. But a proper antenatal care following Ayurvedic principles along with conventional medicine protocols, helps to minimize the loss of pregnancy, preterm labor and it enhances the well being of the fetus. There are oral mediciations for pregnancy related health problems like excessive vomiting, gastric upset, back pain, swollen leg veins, hemorrhoids, constipation etc; Ayurveda is having specific ante natal approach to ease the process of the labor. We are following the masanumasika garbhini paricharya (month wise regimen for pregnant woman) protocols as stated in classical Ayurveda texts.
We believe- “Pregnancy should be a CHOICE ..NOT by CHANCE”.Ayurveda put forward the importance of couple specific pre conceptional treatments in each couple to bring their best progeny to the world.Ayurveda says following proper pre conceptional treatments for both male and female partners help them to have the best offspring they can have. It includes couple specific advices including dietary changes, life style modifications, optimum exercise, healthy inter personal relationships, emotional & sexual harmony etc; this will make the couple physically, psychologically & emotionally capable of bringing their best progeny to the world.Ayurveda strongly recommend pre-conceptional care to be followed by each couple who are planning for a baby.
Dr Hridya’s women centric Ayurveda solutions offers the one stop solution for the female related health problems and finding solutions in the most natural, economical & ethical way. Women health problems are not only physical issues but it may stem up from the malfunctioning psychological as well as emotional state. So Ayurveda find the solutions comprehending the physical, psychological and emotional factors of a disease, and apply the true and time tested modes of treatments like panchakarma, utharavasthi etc; to cure the patient permanently.
“Menopause is the end of menstruation, but it’s not the end of a woman’s beautiful life”.In our olden literature the portrait of a woman nearing menopause is depicted as some one who is a burden to the society. It may be partly because the menopause women failed to identify their problems. The women of modern era, clearly identify their menopause related problems and seek solutions for it.The role of Ayurveda in providing solutions for menopause related problems is a time tested one. Ayurveda advocates holistic treatment of the menopause by utilizing various herbal formulations, treatments, diet & exercise.Proper Ayurvedic care at premenopausal stage will help a woman to maintain the rhythm of life, helping her to cope up with the change of life at menopause.
It is a fact that teenage is a true challenge, both physically and psychologically, not only for the children, but for the family members too. But it’s a reality that all should pass through it.Modern psychologists say, a healthy adolescence is the stepping stone for a healthy adult. So the care of an adolescent girl, is of supreme importance.Ayurveda when coupled with modern medical knowledge help us to plan an exclusive treatment protocol for the various ailments peculiar to this age group.In a nutshell we can say “An Ayurveda doctor needs to play the role of a life coach to handle their issues for the best outcome”. An Ayurveda doctor can guide them, support them, encourage them and treat them to achieve their goals of life.It is mandatory to understand the mental make up, peer group thoughts etc of an adolescent girl to design a treatment plan.“Sex education” is not about preventing pregnancy or safe sex, rather it should help them to understand the mental, emotional and psychological differences & challenges of the opposite sex to build healthy relationships. This will definitely boost the morale of both sexes and help them to be more healthy.To impart a healthy eating habits in adolescent girls is a Herculean task for mothers. But when it’s handled by a health expert, this task seems to be more easy.
Uterine fibroids are very common in woman of reproductive age group across the world. It is classified into subserous, sub mucous and intramural, based on the location of the fibroid. It is associated with painful & heavy menstruation, heaviness in abdomen, backache etc; uterine fibroids can be a predisposing factor for fertility problems too.Ayurveda is having effective therapies for managing uterine fibroids. But the outcome depends on the number, size & location of the fibroid.Following proper Ayurvedic dinacharya, ritucharya and ritumaticharya seems to prevent the occurrence of fibroids.
Endometriosis is the condition in which the inner lining (endometrium) is present outside of the uterine cavity. It is most commonly present in ovary ( as chocolate cyst), or on the inner muscle layer of uterus or the outer side of uterus. Based on the severity and location of endometriosis, it is classified in to different grades.Ayurveda is offering treatment for grade 1 and grade 2 endometriosis. But the role of Ayurveda in advanced grade of endometriosis is limited. We can manage pain and associated complaints with proper Ayurveda therapy.
Contrary to the belief of general public, PCOS not only affects the reproductive aspect of a female, rather it affects her comprehensively including psychological, emotional, endocrine and metabolic functions leading to the presentation of a complex multi-system disorder. Incidence of PCOS is skyrocketing across the world. It spans from adolescent girl to woman nearing menopause.Ayurveda brings 360degree approach to PCOS management. It comprises of treatments focused on annihilating etiological factors, minimizing impact of life style changes, regaining hormone hemostasis, reducing metabolic complications and enhancing ovulation and reproductive potential. We combine modern scientific knowledge with proven authentic Ayurvedic treatments.
The menstrual cycle of a woman is an indicator of her overall reproductive health. The regular menstruation cycle is of 28 +/- 7 days interval.It is not tightly regulated.f. We might experience delays or irregularities in our periods once in a while. As many as 30% women report having experienced irregular periods during their childbearing years. However, if the period become highly irregular, it indicates that the body is going through hormonal imbalance. In such cases, we need to investigate further to find out the causes and treat the underlying conditions.Ayurveda offers safe and natural treatments to find a permanent solutions for menstrual problems.
Dr.Hridya’s women-centric Ayurveda care brings in a unique concept of beauty care with Ayurveda. It’s a 360 degree approach in cosmetic care to redefine your beauty. Ayurveda believes not only in enhancing external beauty, but it’s a holistic approach considering the personal character, level of confidence and modifying traits of an individual, making the woman bold enough to face the challenges and struggles of day to life.
There is a tendency to neglect the proper care of our hands and legs. Modern day life brings up many diseases more manifested in hands and legs. A proper care of our hands and legs are very essential to remain healthy.According to Ayurveda, hands and legs care are important like how we care about other parts of the body. Paadabhyanga (applying oil to feet) is advocated in Dinacharya as something to be done on a daily basis. There are specific therapies based on the aetiology, specific conditions of the hands and legs and the prakruthi of an individual. The treatment consists of specific diets, specially made local applications, ayurvedic moisturizing creams & lotions etc; Dr.Hridya’s women centric Ayurveda solutions are using in house prepared special Ayurveda preparations which are hypoallergenic and consists only of 100% pure natural ingredients.
A glowing face will enhance a woman’s confidence in a better way. Ayurveda comes up with special facial and lip care, using only natural herbal formulations. Face is a very sensitive part of skin and applying too much chemicals will harm it. We use only naturally grown ingredients to do various treatments. Ayurveda advocates various treatments and applications, based on the prakruthi of each individual. Dr.Hridya’s women centric Ayurveda solutions trains our clients about the special self massaging techniques of face, which can help in preventing early age related changes. Ayurvedic lip care is not simply applying some chemicals, but it consists of treating the dry, chapped , cracked or dark pigmented lips with internal medicines and applying specially made natural herbal preparations.
Healthy hair is something every woman wishes for.Hair fall is a major concern of girls and woman. Majority thinks that hair fall is a local problem and seek solutions for it from non professional persons. Hair fall can be a due to systemic diseases like hypothyroidism, anemia, PCOS etc, It may be even due to nutritional deficiency, vitamin deficiency, quality of bathing water, exposure to chemicals and prolonged exposure to artificial temperature controlled air etc. Dry hair, frizzy hair, damaged hair are different manifestations of hair problems. A proper understanding of the etiological & predisposing factors are very important in planning hair care treatments. A smooth shiny hair without any breaks and with thick consistency can be achieved by proper Ayurvedic hair care protocols.Dr.Hridya’s women centric Ayurveda solutions offer special hair care using specially prepared hair formulations using naturally grown and harvested ingredients. This helps to increase the volume of hair, prevent extreme hair fall and even effective treatment to prevent premature graying of hair.
Skin is the largest organ of the body. It plays many vital functions. The health status of the skin reflects the overall health of an individual. Dry skin, freckles, dark pigmentations, wrinkles, black heads etc; are very common in gulf countries due to more exposure to rough climate and living in artificial temperature controlled enviornment.The enviromental factors plays an important role in causing major skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, keratitis etc;In Ayurveda, we give utmost importance in skin care. Ayurvedic skin care consists of internal medicines, specially prepared herbal formulations, customized local applications etc;It’s not possible now a days to live naturally, exactly like the olden days, but with the help of following Ayurveda dinacharya and ritucharya, we can minimize the impact and lead a healthy and happy life.
Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems in hot climate places especially in Middle East. It is very common in all age groups. Simpy using some anti dandruff oils or shampoos seen in advertisements won’t be sufficient to cure dandruff. According to Mayo Clinic, USA, it is highly essential to follow a healthy diet, optimum sun exposure and limiting overuse of chemical hair styling products to permanently get rid of dandruff. Ayurvedic treatment of dandruff starts with analysing the type of scalp and dandruff whether it is dry or oily and proceeds through internal medications, therapies like thalapothichil and medicated head bath. According to the prakruthi of patient, Ayurveda physician can also suggest you diet and regimen to be followed.
Acne is one of the most challenging cosmetological problems in women especially teens. Acne can be an indicator of hormonal problems or it even reflects gynecological problems. We have to rule out and diagnose any underlying cause before heading with acne treatment. Simple application of anti-acne soaps, washes and creams will not suffice to cure acne in majority of the cases.Ayurveda approaches acne treatment differently. We consider the underlying causes if any, to suggest tailor made acne treatments. In severe cases of acne, we start with internal medications followed by individualised external therapies.
Challenges and adversities are part of everybody’s life in the modern world. But for a woman, irrespective of her social status & education, it is a part in her everyday life. So women are left with no choice, other than adopting a multitasking life style. Whether she is an entrepreneur, educator, inventor or a scientist simultaneously, she has to be a mother, wife or a responsible daughter.
New way of doing our jobs, make us more vulnerable to neck, back and other joints problems. The commonly seen joint problems are pain, reduced mobility and inflammation. Spending more time on hand held gadgets, prolonged sitting on couches and chairs of modern days which are usually low lying, heavy back packs, improper weight lifting, ill fitting shoes, even more tight outfits etc; exposes the neck& hand joints & muscles disposes to chronic pain and inflammation. Many a times even doctors also fail to specifically identify the muscle problems. Overuse of muscles and the improper ergonomics leads to the development of trigger points. These trigger points can mimic various diseases.In nutshell majority of muscle problems go unnoticed even by the physicians, as the focus is more on bones and joints. But an Ayurvedic physician with thorough knowledge in muscle physiology can very well address these issues and design customized treatment for each individual.Dr.Hridyas women centric Ayurvedic solutions comes up with a unique blending of trigger point therapy & Ayurveda treatments to tackle muscle and joint problems in the best possible manner. Dr.Hridya’s expertise in dry needling therapy helps her to design customized treatment plan modules.
Post covid19 will bring radical changes in the way things are going to be done. Work efficiency of human resources will matter a lot. Creating a healthy working environment and enhancing the work efficiency will have an edge in the community. A healthy individual will be productive than one with more physical and psychological issues. When it comes to females at work place, they face a lot of challenges.Dr.Hridya’s clinical experience in places like dubai, make her to better understand the specific needs of each working female and helps Dr.Hridya to work out an individualised plan to enhance the work efficiency of each individual. Ayurveda being the science of life, is definitely a choice for the purpose of enhancing work efficiency.
Modern day life style predisposes to various ailments ranging from migraine & indigestion to diabetes, hypertension and cardiac diseases. A healthy life style is most important in preventing the onset of life style diseases.Ayurveda offers a 360 degree approach in life style disease management.It comprises of 1. Diet and regimen modification 2. Proper exercise advices 3. Panchakarma & 4. Specially prepared oral medications.Following Ayurveda dinacharya & ritucharya is really helpful to tackle the onset of various life style diseases.
Proper sleep is a natural medicine. Today’s hectic life style and noisy environment affects everybody’s sleep. Insomnia, the most common sleep disorder is prevalent across the world. A proper sleep hygiene is most important in everybody’s life. Improper sleep can affect a woman’s normal hormone hemostasis and predisposes to various issues.Ayurveda provides complete sleep solutions including various therapies, life style modifications, panchakarma treatments etc to regain the rhythm of sleep. A well sleeping person is more work efficient.
“Stress is a blessing in disguise, if it’s properly handled and managed”.The peculiar emotional, psychological and mental make up of a woman make her more vulnerable to stress related issues. If the stress is not handled properly, it can lead to physical complaints, emotional issues and even family break ups.The common manifestations of stress includes, mood swings, depression, impatience, tearfulness, fits of rage etc; These leads to physical complaints like headache, loss of sleep, body pain, constipation, lethargy etc; and eventually ends up in various life style disorders.Stress management of Ayurveda is one of the key areas of expertise and it is widely accepted world wide.
Dr Hridya’s women centric Ayurveda solutions is bringing the treasure of Ayurvedic knowledge to cater the health care needs of women in Middle East. Equipped with modern knowledge and panchakarma hands on experience, our women centric Ayurveda solutions offer the best care practice following the patient safety & efficacy protocols to enhance their health experience.
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