Menopausal Problems

“Menopause is the end of menstruation, but it’s not the end of a woman’s  beautiful life”.In our olden  literature the portrait of a woman nearing menopause is depicted as some one who is a burden to the society. It may be partly because the menopause women failed to identify their problems.  The women of modern era, clearly identify  their menopause  related problems and seek solutions for it.The role of Ayurveda in  providing solutions for menopause related problems is a time tested one. Ayurveda advocates holistic treatment of the menopause by utilizing various herbal formulations, treatments, diet & exercise.Proper Ayurvedic care at premenopausal stage will help a woman to maintain the rhythm of life, helping her to cope up with the change of life at menopause.

Adolescent girls Health issues

It is a fact that teenage is a true challenge, both physically and psychologically, not only for the children, but for the family members too. But it’s a reality that all should pass through it.Modern psychologists say, a healthy adolescence is the stepping stone for a healthy adult. So the care of an adolescent girl, is of supreme importance.Ayurveda when coupled with modern medical knowledge help us to plan an exclusive treatment protocol for the various ailments peculiar to this age group.In a nutshell we can say “An Ayurveda doctor needs to play the role of a life coach to handle their issues for the best outcome”. An Ayurveda doctor can guide them, support them, encourage them and treat them to achieve their goals of life.It is mandatory to understand the mental make up, peer group thoughts etc of an adolescent girl  to design a treatment plan.“Sex education” is not about preventing pregnancy or safe sex, rather it should help them to understand the mental, emotional  and psychological differences &  challenges of the opposite sex to build  healthy relationships. This will definitely boost the morale of both sexes and help them to be more healthy.To impart a healthy eating habits in adolescent girls is a Herculean task for  mothers. But when it’s handled by a health expert, this task seems to be more easy.

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are very common in woman of reproductive age group across the world. It is classified into subserous, sub mucous and intramural, based on the location of the fibroid. It is associated with painful & heavy menstruation, heaviness in abdomen, backache etc; uterine fibroids can be a predisposing factor for fertility problems too.Ayurveda is having effective therapies for managing uterine fibroids. But the outcome depends on the number, size & location of the fibroid.Following proper Ayurvedic dinacharya, ritucharya and ritumaticharya seems to prevent the occurrence of fibroids.


Endometriosis is the condition in which the inner lining (endometrium) is present outside of the uterine cavity. It is most commonly present in ovary ( as chocolate cyst), or on the inner muscle layer of uterus or the outer side of uterus. Based on the severity and location of endometriosis, it is classified in to different grades.Ayurveda is offering treatment for grade 1 and grade 2 endometriosis. But the role of Ayurveda in advanced grade of endometriosis is limited. We can manage pain and associated complaints with proper Ayurveda therapy.


Contrary to the belief of general public, PCOS not only affects the reproductive aspect of a female, rather it affects her comprehensively including psychological, emotional, endocrine and metabolic functions leading to the presentation of a complex multi-system disorder. Incidence of PCOS is skyrocketing across the world. It spans from adolescent girl to woman nearing menopause.Ayurveda brings 360degree approach to PCOS management. It comprises of treatments focused on annihilating etiological factors, minimizing impact of life style changes, regaining hormone hemostasis, reducing metabolic complications and enhancing ovulation and reproductive potential. We combine modern scientific knowledge with proven authentic Ayurvedic treatments.

Menstrual Irregularities

The menstrual cycle of a woman is an indicator of her overall reproductive health. The regular menstruation cycle is of 28 +/- 7 days interval.It is not tightly regulated.f. We might experience delays or irregularities in our periods once in a while. As many as 30% women report having experienced irregular periods during their childbearing years. However, if the period become highly irregular, it indicates that the body is going through hormonal imbalance. In such cases, we need to investigate further to find out the causes and treat the underlying conditions.Ayurveda offers safe and natural treatments to find a permanent solutions for menstrual problems.